TOYAMA MEDICINE.The final product of "Kokando" traditional medicine company, that is based in bear's bile, in the company's lab. Kokando, one of the oldest medicine companies in Toyama, was founded in 1876. The bile is now produced in the company's lab as currently in Japan it is illegal to hunt bears for their bile or to sell bear's bile, unless under a special license. The black bears from which the bile was originaly extracted are protected species. In China it is still possible to get real bear's bile and animal's rights organizations protest against the cruel ways with which the bile is extracted from living bears through years of keeping them in captivity in bile farms. .Toyama prefecture is located near the center of Japan and is approximately the same distance from the three largest cities in Japan-Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. Toyama's pharmaceutical tradition has a more than 300 years history. As it is located on the Japan sea, it is facing China and has been an importer of traditional Chinese medicine knowledge which it developed through the years. There are now approximately 100 manufactures and over 100 factories in Toyama in terms of pharmaceutical products and Toyama prefecture acquires a steady reputation as Japan's medicine manufacturing base. Toyama, Japan. 21 Dec 2007
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